We are proud to announce that Beta Club will be continuing at Smyrna this year! Our members will now include 4th grade as well as 5th! We will soon be inducting our new leaders!
Student Council Drive for Cobb County Animal Shelter is a SUCCESS!
Student Council hosted a drive for the Cobb County Animal Shelter in January. After counting all the items, the representatives tallied that we had collected 172 items for shelter animals. There were a vast variety of items: pallets of canned food, huge bags of dry food, cat and dog toys, blankets, towels, and beds of ALL sizes!
Thank you to all who worked so hard to make this possible and thank you for caring for our community in Cobb County with these gifts😊
Smyrna Elementary School Counseling Department is recognized for the second time as a RAMP (Recognized ASCA Model Program)!
Here are some social media apps that families need to know exist in our students’ world.
Student Council Service Project 2021: Toy Drive for M.U.S.T. Ministries
Toy Shop slide for MUST Ministries 2021
We had a wonderfully successful TOY DRIVE for MUST Ministries! Student Council hosted this effort😊 After counting all the items, the representatives tallied that we had collected 113 toys/games and 52 clothing items for MUST. Thank you to all who worked so hard to make this possible and thank you for caring for our community in Cobb County with these gifts😊
Put the Unity in Community!
October is National Bullying Prevention Month! This month, our students have been discussing ways to prevent bullying by building a sense of community. Through communication, empathy, and being an upstander for all, our Smyrna stars will demonstrate the unity in our community!
pictured left to right :
Support Staff: Ms. Wyatt, Counselor: Mrs. Parker, Counselor Ms. Adams
Student Council’s First Service Project of the Year! Our Student Council hosted the Food and Toy Drive for MUST Ministries
Let’s celebrate our community spirit! Student Council hosted its first service project and collected 348 food and toiletry items and 116 toys for MUST Ministries!
Thank you, Smyrna STARS!
Social Emotional Learning Read Aloud Books for You and Your Student!
Here is a link for you to use for social emotional leaning (SEL) read aloud books. This is an amazing opportunity for you to explore the idea of SEL with your student. Please click on the link, copy the file and then save so that you can enjoy the books!